This post comes as a response to the article, "A New Study Shows that Students Learn Way More Effectively from Print Textbooks than Screens" published on October 15, 2017, in Business Insider:
From a mama who had her child's school-loaded iPad stripped to nearly nada
and instead purchased a full set of good old-fashioned, hardback and paperback text books (and don't get me started on
cell phones) . . . I've been screaming this for years, and I will continue to for years
to come. We deny our children--OUR CHILDREN--real life lessons that, by
all accounts, could stand to be re-instituted en mass, by issuing these
dagum things!
There is real value in having to go to your locker, change books, and get to class on time. There is real value in learning
to keep up with your supplies for multiple subjects and classes. Real
value in actually taking notes and not just snapping a picture. Real
value in making notes in the margin, dog ear-ing a page, and using a
highlighter. (Lisa Frank, take me away!)
We have taken to sharing and buying into "shocking" new finds and
diagnoses (sitting disease, nintendoitis, and tech-neck . . . look it
up) that illustrate exactly what we've bought into as necessary. Issues
with basic development and hand strength, for goodness' sake, in small
children and teens, programs to aid and overcome what could so easily be
avoided by not fixing what isn't broken--most of which gets into social
development, communication, and language . . . btw . . . ty . . . omg .
. . lmnop.
There is no doubt our children in this day and age
will encounter a screen or computerized gadget even if we took away
tablets and such in schools. Most parents will argue (and believe me,
they do--with me--a lot) that their precious will be left behind if they
aren't exposed to and allowed to have this mess. I'm calling
B....ologna! Most grandparents and great-grandparents I encounter have
some sort of social media account, smart phone, and GPS system to name a
few, all of which they learned how to operate as adults who didn't grow
up screen saturated. And as a bonus, they are a delight to chat with
because--HA!--they actually know how! So to say that our children MUST
have these tools goes hard against that bumper sticker you plaster on
the back of the family cruiser. Your honor roll genius will grasp it
I'm just not buying it . . . I don't agree with it . . . and I will preach it as long as I have a platform.